New Council Room
Notes and Instructions
When you go to the new forum for the first time. PLEASE REGISTER! Registering is not yet required for you to post and reply to messages, but the rest of us would appreciate it immensely. You'll choose a user name and password, fill out a profile form (enter your email and other stats, most of which can be kept invisible if you want -- you can hide your presence on the board). You can also choose or upload an avatar (see below) which will appear on your profile on the member list as well as any posts. With the profile information in place, others can send you emails directly and leave private messages for you right here on the site. Also, this will serve as the Alumni Directory. Access to to the Alumni Directory is restricted to registered users. Private messages and direct emailing to other members are also accessible only to those who register.
AVATARS: You'll notice that a couple of us have attached flattering pictures of ourselves to our posts. These are called avatars for some reason. In a while, I'll be posting a bunch of Wyanoke-themed avatars, but for the moment there is no gallery of them to select fro yet.
Here's what you can do:
Take a head shot of yourself with a digital camera, and open it in some
photoshop-type software. Then, re-size it to 150 x 150 (maximum) pixels and
resave it, or save as... a new name. The file can't be more than 30K in size or
larger than 150 x 150, so be sure to check that before uploading.
Click on "Profile" in the forum header and scroll down to the bottom of the
screen. There you'll see the avatar setup stuff. Enter the path and filename to
your avatar in the "upload from your machine" textbox and then click Submit.
That'll do it.
Obviously, you can use any picture and change it as often as you want.
This forum will recognize paragraphs!!! That means your formatting will actually be retained, unlike the other software I was using for the forum.
NAVIGATING: The opening page would normally allow you to select one of several forums. I've set up only one, Wyanoke General Discussions. Click on it and you'll be in the area where you can create, read, and reply to various topics. From here on, everything is pretty much self-explanatory.
If you post something by mistake, you can edit it later.
If you have any questions about the forum, send me a private message or email me.